Posts Tagged ‘agreeable’

Why Being a Meaner Boss Will Help Your Company

April 13, 2012

I recently read an article by Denis Wilson entitled “Why Being a Meaner Boss Will Help Your Company–And Make Your Employees Happy.” [See link below.] When you read the article, though, you find that what he describes as a potentially “mean” boss is a person who a) Isn’t weak and afraid to actually manage. They are brave enough to own their authority before things go wrong. (THAT’S being “mean”?) b) They take time to really work things out by talking to their people one-on-one so they can truly understand what the problems are, and remind them of how their role fits into the greater mission at hand. (THAT’S being “mean”?) c) They build structure so decisions can be made and the overall direction, message and strategy of a business can be managed. (THAT’S being “mean”?) d) They separate the wheat from the chaff by terminating non-performers and dead wood. (THAT’S being “mean”?) e) They share information and the facts up front and establish an environment of transparency. (THAT’S being “mean”?) f) They hold themselves responsible by taking ownership for bad news. They explain the business decisions that were made, and how it will affect the company. (Again, THAT’S being “mean”?)

It looks to me like what Mr. Wilson has really described is a good leader! In my book, a mean boss is one who intimidates and makes others look weak; or when they use power and domination instead of dialogue. A mean boss centralizes and controls all decisions within him or herself; they show favoritism in their reward systems; they refuse to terminate or address poor performers and poor performance as a whole; they keep all critical information to themselves because “knowledge is power.” They always hold you or others responsible for anything that goes wrong. They have no problems passing the buck!

Let’s be careful of taking the cheap route and tagging good leadership as “mean” when in reality most of us truly respect and flourish under such leadership qualities.

[Dennis Wilson. FAST COMPANY.COM . “Why Being a Meaner Boss Will Help Your Company–And Make Your Employees Happy.”]